At the farm about one hectare of biodiversity strips has been sown in 2012.
The aim of the strips is to build up natural enemies of pests in the Agricultural crops, so that the chemical controls are no longer required or can be reduced.
Trefwoorden: Verbascum sp. , Sneeuwklokjes, Paardebloem, Madeliefjes, Dubbele Gele Narcis, Rucola, Vlierbes, Narcissen, Klein Kaasjeskruid, Moederknoopjes, Vlierbloesem, Dubbele Rode Papaver, Dubbele Rose Papaver, Oost Indische kers, Agapanthus, Sierkalebassen, Oude Populier, Linde, Zwarte Spaanse Kers, Haagbeuk, Meidoorn